Pfhorte 2.0 Change History

(Current Version: 2.0a14)

Changes Since 2.0a13

Changes Since 2.0a12

Changes Since 2.0a11

Changes Since 2.0a10

Changes Since 2.0a9

Changes since 2.0a8:

Changes since 2.0a7:

Changes Since 2.0a6

Changes since 2.0a5:

Changes since 2.0a4

  • I got some maps to actually work! Thanks to Ryan Martell from Bungie!
  • Opening Marathon 1 maps will convert them to Marathon 2.
  • Fixed the error messages, so they said "shapes file not found" instead of "Zero length line" duh!
  • Sped up the 3d view a bit.
  • In the 3d view use the '[' and ']' keys to change the texture of a selected floor or ceiling or wall.
  • In the 3d view use the arrow keys to change the alignment of textures on the selected wall.
  • The control panels types have a number preceding their anme indicating what texture set it works with.
  • A pile of stuff I forgot about already.

    Changes since 2.0a3

    Differences from Pfhorte 1.0

    Still to Be done: