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  • filename contains "m2.killing.fields"

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Killing Fields 2.5

Wow, this one has a long history... It started life as a section of Bungie's M1 solo level Try Again. Butch created one of the best M1 Suicide levels ever by cutting off outside access to this ring... the original Killing Fields can be found in several packages, including Suicide Maps v.2. Laurent Stanevich converted this to a gorgeous M2 map, which has been remodified by Butch to include one of his favorite aspects of the Marathon universe...
(10/11/96) (14K) M2 Small
Butch Massoni

Killing Fields 2.2

I'm not sure this belongs on this page, since it's a modification of an M1 map that was a modification of a Bungie map... this bears just about zero resemblance to the original (a piece of Try Again). However, it's here, so deal with it. This is a gorgeous rendition of one of our all-time favorite M1 netmaps. (I didn't make it, I just like it.) It was originally released in an early Suicide collection, and this version has had a few changes made to the layout based on the author's net experiences with it. Update fixes a small bug that only bit people who played with dropped weapons on.
(3/18/96) (10K) M2 Bungie
Laurent Stanevich
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